Our governing body


L.E.A. GOVERNORS                                                  Termination of Office


Mr. Wayne Hopkins                                                31/12/2018


Parent governors

Mrs. Melanie. Davies – Chairperson                     31/10/2017

Mrs. Kathrine Thomas                                       17/11/2016

Mrs. Karen Fox                                                  16/07/2019




Mr. Robert Jones                                                 19/09/2016




Cllr. Gareth Llewellyn                                           07/12/2018



Mr. David Roe                                                    17/03/2019



Mrs. Gail Fahey                                                   25/09/2019



Mrs. Katrina. Winston


Each Governor’s term of office will end on the dates indicated above, except for the

headteacher, who is an ex-officio member (non-voting member of the Governing Body).


The Chairperson of the Governing Body is Miss M.L. Lewis.   Miss Lewis can be contacted via

the School (Tel: 01639  700228).


The Clerk to the Governing Body: Mrs Rhian Batchelor  Schools and Family Support Team Neath Port Talbot Civic Centre      Port Talbot      SA13 1PJ  01639 763600


Our contact person at the Local Education Authority (L.E.A.) is Mrs.Kathryn Gilbert

who has attended our meetings, and has given guidance and advice to the Governing Body.

She can be contacted by telephone on (01639) 76443.


Committees.(As at AGM Sept 15)

The Governing Body has set up a number of Committees to deal with specific issues.


Headteacher/Deputy/Teaching Staff Appointments Panel

Miss M.L. Lewis (Chair)

Mr. R. Jones

Mrs. M. Davies

Mrs. K. Thomas

Mrs. K. Fox

Mrs. K. Winston (Headteacher) – except for the appointment of Headteacher


Staff Disciplinary/Dismissal Committee

Mr. W Hopkins (Chair)

Mrs. M. Davies

Mrs. K. Thomas


Staff Disciplinary/Dismissal Appeal Committee

Mr. R. Jones (Chair)

Mrs. K. Fox

Cllr. G. Llewellyn

Reserve: Vacancy


Pupil Disciplinary/Exclusion Committee

Miss M.L. Lewis (Chair)

Cllr. G. Llewellyn

Mr. R. Jones


Finance/Pay & Conditions Committee

Miss M.L. Lewis (Chair)

Mrs. K. Thomas

Mrs. M. Davies

Cllr. G. Llewellyn

Mr. W. Hopkins


Curriculum Committee

Mrs. K. Thomas (Chair)

Mrs. G. Fahey

Mrs. M. Davies

Mr. D. Roe

Mrs. K. Fox


Health & Safety Premises Committee

Mr. R. Jones (Chair)

Mrs. G. Fahey

Mr. W. Hopkins

Mr. D. Roe



Complaints Committee

Mr. Robert Jones (Chair)

Mrs. M. Davies

Mr. W. Hopkins

Reserve – Vacancy


Headteacher’s Performance Management

Miss M.L. Lewis (Chair)

Mrs. M Davies.

Mrs. K. Fox


Headteacher’s Performance Management Appeals Committee

Mr. Robert Jones (Chair)

Mrs. K. Thomas

Cllr. G. Llewellyn


Grievance Committee

Miss M. Lewis (Chair)

Mrs. K. Thomas

Mr. R. Jones


Grievance Appeals Committee

Mr. W. Hopkins (Chair)

Mrs. M. Davies



Pay Review Appeals Committee

Mr. R. Jones (Chair)

Mrs. M. Davies

Mrs. K. Thomas


Performance Management Appeal Appraiser(s) (Teacher)

Mrs. K. Winston or Chair (if the headteacher has participated in the appraisal which is the subject of the appeal)